Fostering 101: Why Foster?

You Are a Literal Life Saver
Each time a foster opens their home to a dog, they're not just saving one life – they're saving two: the life of the dog they welcome and the life of the dog waiting for space in the shelter's kennel.
Help Dogs Get Adopted Faster
Dogs living in a home environment are much more likely to be adopted quickly because it allows for adopters to have a clearer picture of the dog's true behaviors (as opposed to how they act in a stressful shelter environment)
Find a Community + Feel Good
Our fosters are some of the greatest people on the planet- and we feel so lucky to know them. Join our community and build friendships while you also save lives and give back!

Who Can Foster?
Anyone can be a foster! We just ask you have adequate space and time to accommodate dogs. We match dogs for your specific household and needs. This can mean energy level, age, gender, behaviors, etc. We have some fosters who only take in puppies, some who want high energy males as a playmate for their current dogs, or those who like to help us with dogs with medical needs or special issues.
How Long Do You Foster?
The length of time you will have a foster dog varies, but is typically 1-2 months. Some dogs are adopted as quick as a few days and for others it may take some time to find the right fit. While the dog is in your care we help cover all expenses including: vet care, monthly preventatives, supplies, and boarding if you go out of town!

What Do Fosters Do?
We try to make fostering a dog as easy as possible. We ask that you open your heart and home to a dog in need as well as:
Transport dog to medical appointments and meet and greets (when you can, we can also help!)
Provide photos, videos, and updates for us to advertise the dog for adoption.
Attend adoption events with the dog when you can.
Other Questions:
What if I have other dogs?
We make sure all animals are able to meet before placing a dog in your care! All dogs in our foster care program have no aggressive behaviors or bite histories.
What if I have kids or cats?
We behaviorally assess all dogs coming into our foster program with one of our skilled dog trainers. At this time we are able to assess how the dog is with kids, cats, and other dogs.
What if it doesn't work out?
Sometimes that happens! We can usually move a dog out of a foster within a day or two when we receive notice it just isn't working out.

Get Started
We turn away dogs daily due to our foster homes being full. If you are in a position, please consider opening your heart and home to a dog in need! We promise, you won't regret it!
Still have questions? Email or text anytime!